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Domain Location Lookup
Domain Location Lookup

Find the geographic location of a domain’s server using our Domain Location Lookup tool. Easily determine where a website is hosted around the globe.

Server Location Information
Server Location Information

Get details about the server's physical location, including the city and country, to better understand the web hosting environment of any domain.

Identify Hosting Provider
Identify Hosting Provider

Use our tool to identify the hosting provider and IP address associated with a domain, allowing for better insights into the hosting setup.

Domain Location FAQs

What is a Domain Location Lookup?

A Domain Location Lookup helps you determine the geographic location of a domain's server, revealing the city, country, and hosting provider.

How do I find the location of a domain?

Simply enter the domain name into the Domain Location Lookup tool above, and get the details about where the website is hosted.

Why is knowing a domain's location useful?

Understanding a domain's server location can help with SEO, security analysis, and ensuring compliance with data localization laws.

Can I find the exact address of a domain's server?

While the Domain Location tool provides general geographic details, it does not offer the exact street address of the server.

What other information can I get with a Domain Location Lookup?

Besides geographic details, the tool can reveal the hosting provider, server IP address, and additional hosting-related information.

How accurate is the Domain Location data?

Domain Location data is generally accurate, but factors like Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or proxies can sometimes affect precision.